My understanding of treasury
securities operations are rudimentary at best, and I invite comments, but from
my exposure to Monetary Sovereignty and MMT I presume that the federal
practices of taxation and treasury security sales function not to fund federal
spending (as the government and most economists would have us believe) but to neutralize
the inflationary impact of federal spending,
Here is what I mean. Assume the
federal government spends (disburses) $4 trillion in a given fiscal year. Assume
also that federal tax collections for the year are $3 trillion (federal taxes,
as we know, are dollars removed from circulation and accounted out of existence).
Because, by definition, federal spending over and above tax collections
constitutes a "deficit", that leaves a federal deficit of $1 trillion
for the fiscal year. In accordance with a federal ruling (which I am unable to
cite), the treasury must sell securities equal to the deficit amount, in this
case $1 trillion. The treasury sells the securities and parks the $1 trillion paid
for them into accounts at the Fed, thus removing the $1 trillion from circulation.
Consequently, for the fiscal year, the entire $4 trillion spent by the federal
government goes out of circulation. The $3 trillion in taxes is gone forever
and the $1 trillion spent on securities will reenter circulation on expiration
of the securities but, in all likelihood, will roll into new securities. Bank reserves,
of course, remain in play for the $1 trillion in securities, but bank reserves
do not circulate.
My observation, then, is that federally
spent dollars float in circulation for a year and disappear into taxes and
securities accounts leaving only bank-created dollars in circulation. By that
reckoning, I conclude that any money supply influence on inflation comes from only
the amount of bank-created money in circulation. The federal rules, laws,
mandates, statutes, or whatever, that require the Treasury to sell securities
to match the deficit seem to dictate the removal of federally spent dollars from
the hands of private sector spenders.
From this, I conclude that tax
collections are not spent, that selling treasury securities is not really federal
borrowing, and, because selling treasury securities does not constitute
borrowing, that the federal debt is not really debt. And for those inflation-phobes
who fear federal money "printing", I propose that there is more likelihood
that the private sector will "print" too much money than there is in
the federal government sector doing so.
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